Here at Culligan of Amarillo customer satisfaction is our goal and your feedback is important. Please ​share your experience with our services.
Talk to the boss
If​ you have a question, concern or problem and​ you’d like to talk to the General Manager directly, click here or email directly at
Leave a review
​What you say about us is important. If our team delivered good service we would appreciate a good review. ​Below you will find several of the more popular ways to leave a review. Just click on the icon below to leave your review on Google, Yahoo, Facebook or Yelp!
*Of course, if you are a member of a review service or site other than the ones listed you are more than welcome to leave a review there.
Or fill out this form to leave a review directly on our website:
Who Helped You
If you don’t know the name of the person who helped you get better water, check out our staff bio to help you out.